Girls on Film....well Digital
I've got a new camera, yippee. It's a Canon G9 12.1 mega pixels and it is my new best friend. This is the best camera I've ever had and I've been going around taking lots and lots of pictures, you can see these pics on my Flickr site. So I'm going to spend most of the Easter holidays taking pictures. Plus I'm going to London at the end of May so I will be taking loads and loads there too.
So it's now Easter and I've done quite well for Easter eggs, now I will let you into a secret I'm 27 and I still love getting Easter eggs, granted these days you are really paying for all the packaging but the added bonus of chocolate and the occasional mug is great, and the best bit is K doesn't like the egg bit so I get all his too, yummy.
I've also just installed Vista on my computer which is nice, not as good as my Mac but ok all the same. I'm still slowly getting used to where things are compared to XP, but I'm sure it will be fine in the end.