Sunday, August 05, 2007

And the rain came

Sorry for not posting for about 2 months but I've been rather busy and it's been until recently that I've had time to get back to normal and finally update my blog. Well from the title of this post i refer to the recent spell of rain, we were affected by the floods in South Yorkshire and had to spend an evening in the town hall in Sheffield and a few nights in the city centre Travel Inn. But despite it all we are now back to normal and the insurance company have been great and paid out. We were quite fortunate compared to the people in Doncaster and down south they have had it really bad and are still in temporary accommodation.

I can't believe that in June/July we were having great downpours and then for example today and the past week it's been in the 70's F. It seems to have all come at once. Hopefully it will still be nice on the 17Th as this is the weekend we are going to Kent to the annual Bad Taste Bear summer outing, this year it is at Groombridge place gardens, it looks like a action packed weekend.

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