Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Long time coming

Well, I'm not doing really well at keeping this blog up to date am I? It's now November and the last post was in September a whole 2 months have passed. But the annoying thing is they have been really uninteresting months. I've just been doing nothing but being really busy.

I celebrated my 27th birthday which was really nice, my BF and I went to TGI Friday's, the meal was nice but overpriced it's a good job i had vouchers. I had some nice presents for my b'day, a lovely ipod nano video, various craft items and money which is always a winner.

October went by in a blur, again really busy but nothing really to pin point what has happened. But I know it involved playing lots of Sims 2 and learning InDesign CS2, I know the basics but wanted to brush up on the other things that I thought I knew how to do but don't.

Last weekend we had friends over, which was really great. Whats nicer than just relaxing and catching up with friends. This weekend will be slightly more hectic as we are both in London, my BF is down there for an award presentation on his works website and I'm down to shop and eat Krispy Kreme donuts oh and for my BF to purchase the new iphone.

Well in 47 days it will be Christmas, I'm quite looking forward to it this year as my BF's Nephew will be nearly 4 and he understands more about Christmas now and it should be a good day with him opening his pressies and creating havoc around the place, and also the fact that my BF is buying me a Wii and I'm sooooo looking forward to one.

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