Monday, February 02, 2009

let it snow..let it snow

This weekend has been the mammoth of all weekends, we cleaned the flat from top to bottom and I did all my ironing. The thing is I hate ironing so I tend to leave it all in a pile in the bedroom, but I was sick of seeing it, and to be honest the bedroom was getting very messy with pile of clothes that need washing and lots of ironing. So all the lot had to go, not throw away no, the ironing had to be ironed and put away and the washing washed. Well I did in total about 4 hours ironing split into 2 sessions, one Saturday night and one Sunday night. The rest of Saturday comprised of sorting out the Office, getting rid of boxes and cleaning what must have been the entire dust mountain in the world. What I can't understand is how can such a small apartment like ours get so dusty, oh well it is now free of dust for the time being. Sunday was pretty the same cleaning and dusting the bedroom, living room, bathroom and kitchen. I even had time to bake some butterfly buns and have a shower.

What I did find quite interesting is the fact that whilst I was cleaning and hoovering usually I get very hot and sweaty, but now I've lost weight I was fine, no red and sweaty face or wet hair. I was truly amazed, plus I didn't get out of breath once. This is a big thing for me, I'm almost normal. The only downside is that my back is paying for it today, but not as much as would have been, had I not have been 2 stone lighter.

Talking about weight I've lost another 2lbs this week. I had a little blip over Christmas, but I'll let that one slide as it was the festival of food and niceness, but we are now back on track on the lard busting front.

On another note, it is snowing in Sheffield, now where I live we don't usually get that much snow, as we live in a dip but I was shocked this morning when I woke up to see about 2 inches of white fluffy snow, so out came the boots and off I went to work. Now we haven't got it half as much as down south where even all the London buses have stopped running, we just have delays and suspended services. But wait, it is forecast for more white precipitation overnight, so tomorrow might be a stay at home in the warm day hopefully, but I'm not holding my breathe because as I type this entry the snow has stopped and the existing snow on the cars etc is melting, so we will have to see.

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