Friday, November 03, 2006

To do well and not Mock!!

My BF has decided it's a good idea to read my blog, and to make fun of me of what i've wrote. He needs to be aware that it's not nice to be made fun of, and should remember to not bite off the hand that feeds him. So if you are reading this then I would strongly think about not mocking me or you could find yourself in very deep waters.

On a nicer note, its bonfire night this weekend, and we are going to my uncles for a bonfire party tomorrow night. This should be fun, as my uncle has a quite small garden with little room for setting fireworks off at the recommended distance away from spectators. I'm not keen on the whole firework thing, you see I am quite a jumpy person, and loud bangs make me jump, (which is something else by BF has a good laugh about) so I tend to stay indoors, but what I do like about Bonfire night is the food and the nice warmly smells. If I could have that without the loud bangs then I would be happy.

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